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Learn more about Harmony

Harmony is a quick survey that helps you assess your daily activities in relation to COVID-19 to better understand your risk level when living with others. 

We take data privacy seriously. Please refer to our Terms & Services for more information on how we keep your information safe. 

The survey is based on data from the Texas Medical Association, a non-profit organization representing over 53,000 physicians. Texas Medical Association’s risk rankings were developed by their COVID-19 Task Force and Committee on Infectious Diseases. You can read more about their chart by visiting this website:

Once you complete the survey, you will receive a full report with a link you can share. It is up to you how you would like to use the Harmony survey. You can keep the results to yourself or share with a potential housemate by making your results visible on your Nesterly profile. 

After a long 2020 of protocol changes and safety measures, we are all forced to recalculate our approach to reentering a world that looks very different than before. We hope that this new tool provides you with helpful information to better understand how your choices impact others close to you and vise-versa. 

Please note, the purpose of this survey is to help you make decisions about homesharing. It is NOT intended for the diagnosis or treatment of diseases such as COVID-19. 

We love receiving your feedback. If you have any thoughts or further questions about the Harmony survey, please take a look at our FAQ or reach out to us at  

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