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Community Conversation 1: How Nesterly is Keeping our Community Safe

In these uncertain times, Nesterly wanted to create an opportunity for our Hosts to connect directly with us and one another digitally.  Over the course of a few weeks, we held three Community Conversations where we answered questions, invited our Hosts to share their experiences and discussed our response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In our first Conversation, How Nesterly is Keeping our Community Safe: New Safety Protocols and Precautions for Homesharing during COVID, we addressed one of the most common questions that Nesterly has received over the past few months: “Can I still homeshare during the Covid pandemic?” The answer is yes! The importance of supporting aging-in-place, supplemental income and connections between generations has never felt more necessary.

Highlights from this Community Conversation Include:

1. Updates to Nesterly’s Homesharing Agreement for Covid 19 which now includes CDC-informed health guidelines as well as space to specify all of your house rules.
2. The recommended health and social distancing practices in and out of the home.
3. The new conversation guide to help Hosts set expectations and facilitate meaningful discussions around COVID-19 rules for the home.
4. Harmony which is a Nesterly developed survey that helps assess your daily activities and how they relate to Covid-19 risk level.

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Nesterly Expands Its Reach In Massachusetts

In partnership with JFS of Metrowest, the City of Framingham Office of Community Development and with the Framingham Council on Aging Callahan Center Nesterly is expanding its reach in Massachusetts! Nesterly will bring its innovative model to help with housing affordability, aging in place, and social isolation to Greater Framingham.  The pilot will also feature […]

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Community Conversation 3: Hearing from a Host

In our final community conversation, Hear From a Host: What is it like Homesharing during Covid?, we gave our community the opportunity to hear from one of our Hosts

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Community Conversation 2: The Financial, Social and Practical Benefits of Homesharing

Our second conversation focussed on the financial, social and practical benefits of homesharing. Survey after survey shows that Americans want to remain in their own homes as they get older.

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