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How Nesterly Works

  • Create your free account

    Share a few simple details about who you are and what you’re looking for.
  • Meet great people

    Get to know verified people safely using in-app messaging and video calls. Your information is kept private so you can remain anonymous until you’re ready to book.
  • Sign on the dotted line

    Choose who to live with then align on house rules. Do it all contact-free, from the comfort of your home with our easy online booking system.

  • Rent for a month, a year, or longer

    Whether your stay is reserved for a month or a year, you'll always have options. Agree to extend, or with 30-days notice, shorten the stay at no cost.

Want to learn more? Sign up to receive information ahead of our Louisville launch.

  • “A more intergenerational model of living appealed to us, plus it’s a societal good.”

    Jan and Bill, 72, Nesterly Hosts

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